Building a Better Learning Environment – Understanding the Facilities Master Planning Process

Facilities planning is a critical piece of the Los Rios Community College District’s overall educational planning process that allows us to periodically evaluate conditions, identify needs and adjust accordingly to promote continued success. The District and our colleges are currently in the process of updating our 2010 Facilities Master Plans, with final products anticipated this summer. The Plans will address new construction and the modernization of existing space for continued or new purposes. Facilities planning throughout the District is a continuous, carefully executed operation that takes into account several factors including current and anticipated student populations, and facility functions and capacities.
Working collaboratively with leadership, academic department heads and faculty members Districtwide, architects and staff have gathered input regarding facilities needs and improvements to help create a plan that will ultimately be presented to the District for consideration. By engaging a diverse group of campus representatives with on-the-ground experience, the updated Plan will reflect current priorities, align with student needs and better respond to a dynamic learning environment.
For additional information on the facilities master planning process at each college, please contact your college’s facilities office.
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Facilities Management provides and maintains facilities that support the district’s educational mission and enhance the learning and working environment for students, faculty, and staff.