Immigration Officials or Non-LRPD Law Enforcement on Campus
All Los Rios Community College District employees must adhere to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). FERPA protects the privacy of student educational records and all personally identifiable information in those records. The district and its employees cannot disclose information about students without the student's written consent, even to federal authorities. We will comply with the California Value Act (SB 54) and not expend any Los Rios law enforcement resources on immigration enforcement or immigration information-gathering activities.
In the unlikely event that US Border Control, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), or any other federal law enforcement agency comes to any Los Rios college or district facility, contact LRPD immediately at (916) 558-2221.
If district or college administration or LRPD becomes aware of ICE or another federal agency on campus for an immigration raid, LRPD will notify the campus community using the emergency notification system.
Refer to the following processes to evaluate ICE or other non-LRPD agencies' requests.
In the unlikely event that ICE or non-LRPD law enforcement comes to your classroom or work area, please do the following:
If ICE or non-LRPD law enforcement presents a warrant:
- Ask for identification and to see the warrant.
- Write down the officer or agent's name, contact information, and badge number.
- Make sure the warrant has the correct address for your workplace.
- Review the warrant to see what areas and items they are authorized to search. Note: ICE and non-LRPD law enforcement are not authorized to search areas or inspect items not described in the warrant.
- Call LRPD immediately at (916) 558-2221, extension 2221, or use Los Rios' SAFE app. Tell Dispatch what is happening and ask them to come to your classroom/work area.
- You can remind individuals in your classroom or workplace that they have the right to remain silent. Do not direct or order them to remain silent.
- LRPD may review the warrant and determine the next steps. Most likely, if all the warrant information is accurate and it has been signed by a judge, you may be required to allow law enforcement to enter. In many cases, if they have a judicial warrant they will simply enter your classroom or work area. This is legally permissible.
- Always take notes on what they did and where they looked. In many cases, if they have a judicial warrant they will simply enter your classroom or work area. This is legally permissible.
- If ICE or non-LRPD law enforcement does not have a warrant:
- Tell the officers, “I do not consent to you entering my classroom, office, or workspace.” Insist that the officers remain outside the classroom.
- Call LRPD immediately at (916) 558-2221, extension 2221, or use Los Rios' SAFE app. Tell Dispatch what is happening and ask them to come to your classroom/work area.
- Tell the agents/officers that LRPD is on the way and they will need to make their request directly to LRPD and follow district policy. Remind them that they may not enter your classroom.
- Return to your class.
- You can remind individuals in your classroom or workplace that they have the right to remain silent. Do not direct or order them to remain silent.
- If there is time remaining for class, it is at your discretion whether to continue instruction or dismiss the class.
- You may also refer the agent to your manager or supervisor's office or department office. If you cannot reach your manager, supervisor, or department office, contact Los Rios Police Department dispatch directly at (916) 558-2221, extension 2221, or use Los Rios' SAFE app to inform them of the situation and ask for guidance.
Best Practices for Keeping Our College Community Safe
- Inform the student of their rights. If you can communicate with the student, advise them that they have the right to remain silent and to request legal representation. They are not required to disclose their immigration status without legal counsel present.
- Conduct yourself professionally when interacting with federal immigration enforcement officials and do not engage in casual conversation with them.
In the unlikely event that ICE or non-LRPD law enforcement comes to your work area, please do the following:
- Refer the agent to your manager or supervisor's office or department office. If you cannot reach your manager, supervisor, or department office, contact Los Rios Police Department dispatch directly at (916) 558-2221 or extension 2221, or use the Los Rios SAFE app to inform them of the situation and ask for guidance.
Best Practices for Keeping Our College Community Safe
- Inform the student of their rights. If you can communicate with the student, advise them that they have the right to remain silent and to request legal representation. They are not required to disclose their immigration status without legal counsel present.
- Remind individuals in your workplace that they have the right to remain silent. Do not direct or order them to stay silent. Students/faculty/staff are not required to disclose their immigration status without legal counsel present.
- Conduct yourself professionally when interacting with federal immigration enforcement officials and do not engage in casual conversation with them.
- Do not resist if ICE agents force their way in. Say "I do not consent to your entry," but do not physically resist. (Source: ACLU NorCal: Know Your Rights if ICE Confronts You).
- Do not sign documents.
In the unlikely event that ICE or non-LRPD law enforcement comes to your work area, please do the following:
- Verify the agents' credentials and purpose. Politely request identification and business cards from the agents and inquire about the purpose of their visit. This ensures that they are official representatives and clarifies their intent. Document the interaction.
- Call the Los Rios Police Department immediately at (916) 558-2221 or extension 2221 to inform them of the situation and ask for guidance.
- Do not disclose information about students, faculty, or staff, without direction from the Los Rios Police Department or General Counsel's Office.
- LRPD will communicate with appropriate district and campus legal experts and administration to ensure that all student and employee rights are being protected under the law.
- If ICE or non-LRPD law enforcement presents a warrant:
- Ask for identification and to see the warrant.
- Write down the officer or agent's name, contact information, and badge number.
- Make sure the warrant has the correct address for your workplace.
- Review the warrant to see what areas and items they are authorized to search. Note: ICE and non-LRPD law enforcement are not authorized to search areas or inspect items not described in the warrant.
- Call LRPD immediately at (916) 558-2221, extension 2221, or use Los Rios' SAFE app. Tell Dispatch what is happening and ask them to come to your classroom/work area.
- You can remind individuals in your classroom or workplace that they have the right to remain silent. Do not direct or order them to remain silent.
- LRPD may review the warrant and determine the next steps. Most likely, if all the warrant information is accurate and it has been signed by a judge, you may be required to allow law enforcement to enter. In many cases, if they have a judicial warrant they will simply enter your classroom or work area. This is legally permissible.
- Always take notes on what they did and where they looked. In many cases, if they have a judicial warrant they will simply enter your classroom or work area. This is legally permissible.
- If ICE or non-LRPD law enforcement does not have a warrant:
- Tell the officers, “I do not consent to you entering my classroom, office, or workspace.” Insist that the officers remain outside the classroom.
- Call LRPD immediately at (916) 558-2221, extension 2221, or use Los Rios' SAFE app. Tell Dispatch what is happening and ask them to come to your classroom/work area.
- Tell the agents/officers that LRPD is on the way and they will need to make their request directly to LRPD and follow district policy. Remind them that they may not enter your classroom.
- You can remind individuals in your classroom or workplace that they have the right to remain silent. Do not direct or order them to remain silent.
Best Practices for Keeping Our College Community Safe
- Maintain a safe environment. Ensure that the presence of law enforcement does not disrupt the learning environment or cause undue stress to students, faculty, and staff. If necessary, suggest moving the discussion to a private location away from the classroom.
- Document the encounter. Keep a detailed record of the interaction, including the agents' names and badge numbers, the date and time, and the specifics of their request. This documentation may be important for any future legal considerations.
- Inform the student/staff/faculty of their rights. If you can communicate with the student/staff/faculty, advise them that they have the right to remain silent and to request legal representation. They are not required to disclose their immigration status without legal counsel present.
- Do not resist if ICE agents force their way in. Say "I do not consent to your entry," but do not physically resist. (Source: ACLU NorCal: Know Your Rights if ICE Confronts You).
- Do not sign documents.
In the unlikely event that ICE or non-Los Rios Police Department (LRPD) law enforcement approaches you on campus, it’s important to know your rights and how to respond.
Know Your Rights
- You have the right to remain silent. You can say:
- "I reserve the right to remain silent based on my 5th Amendment rights under the US Constitution."
- "I do not wish to speak with you, answer your questions, or sign any documents."
- Do not disclose your immigration status without legal counsel present.
- Do not sign any documents.
- Do not resist physically. If ICE agents force their way in, state: "I do not consent to your entry," but do not obstruct them.
- Conduct yourself professionally. Stay calm, and do not run, argue, or provide false information.
- Use a Red Card to assert your rights. See ILRC red cards and CHIRLA red cards.
If You See ICE on Campus
- In a classroom or center: Refer the officer to the instructor or office staff present.
- Anywhere on campus: Contact LRPD immediately at (916) 558-2221 (or extension 2221) or use the Los Rios SAFE app for guidance.
Additional Resources
- Family preparedness plan – Every family should have one in place. Review this family preparedness guide from the Immigration Legal Resource Center (ILRC).
- Videos and tutorials:
- Other legal and local resources are available to you.
By staying informed and prepared, you can help protect yourself and others in your community.
Legal Resources
Legal Consultations
The Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights (CHIRLA), in collaboration with Los Rios Community College District, offers free virtual and in-person immigration consultations to Los Rios students, faculty, and staff. CHIRLA immigration services include:
- Immigration Relief Screenings
- DACA Renewals
- Advance Parole
- Naturalization/Citizenship
- Adjustment of Status
- Family-Based Immigration
- Know Your Rights
Our college offers both in-person and virtual consultations. To make an appointment with CHIRLA, visit Find Your Ally.
You are not required to state the nature of your case/question to a staff member to make an appointment with a legal representative.
Note: As of January 21, 2025, a technical issue is preventing users from scheduling appointments through the Find Your Ally website. The Los Rios Undocu-Centers are actively collaborating with our partners at CHIRLA to resolve this matter as quickly as possible. In the meantime, we encourage you to contact your college’s respective Undocu-Center or Dream Center for assistance and referral support.
- California Rural Legal Assistance Foundation
(916) 446-7901 or email:
2210 K St #201, Sacramento, CA 95816 - Catholic Charities of California
(916) 706-1539
1107 9th Street #707, Sacramento, CA 95814 - Center for Workers Rights
(916) 905-5857 or email:
2741 Fruitridge Road, Sacramento, CA 95820 - McGeorge School of Law Immigration Clinic
(916) 739-7191 or email:
2925 34th Street, Sacramento, CA 95817 - Mexican Consulate of Sacramento
(916) 329-3500 or email:
2093 Arena Boulevard, Sacramento, CA 95834 - Opening Doors
(916) 492-2591 ext. 238 or email:
1111 Howe Avenue #125, Sacramento, CA 95825 - Sacramento Food Bank & Family Services
(916) 456-1980 or email:
1951 Bell Avenue, Sacramento, CA 95838 - Sacramento FUEL Network
(916) 234-3734 or email: - UC Davis Legal Immigration Clinic
(530) 752-7996 or email:
One Shields Avenue, Building TB30, Davis, CA 95616 - World Relief Sacramento
(916) 978-2650 or email:
2233 Watt Avenue Ste. 110, Sacramento, CA 95825
- Asian Resources, Inc. – Call (916) 454-1892 or email
- California Family Resource Center – Call (916) 993-7781 or email
- La Familia Counseling Center – Call (916) 452-3601 or email
- Latino Coalition for a Healthy California – Call (916) 448-3234 or email
- NorCal Resist – Call (916) 382-0256 or email
- Sacramento Covered – Call (916) 414-8333.
- Sacramento State Dreamer Resource Center – Call (916) 278-7241 or email
- UCD AB 540 & Undocumented Center – Call (530) 752-9538 or email
- Amnesty International
- California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office – Resources for Undocumented Students
- California Immigrant Policy Center – Call (916) 448-6762 or email
- Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights (CHIRLA)
- Council on American Islamic Council Relations
- International Rescue Committee Sacramento – Call (916) 482-0120 or email
- Immigrant Legal Resource Center
- Immigrants Rising
- Jewish Community Relations Council
- Immigration Advocates Network
- Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund
- My Undocumented Life
- National Immigration Law Center – Call (213) 639-3900 or email
- National Immigrant Justice Center
- United We Dream
District and College Leaders' Compact in Support of Undocumented Community
Learn more about our institution's commitment to supporting undocumented and DACA students and employees.
Read the Compact in Support of Undocumented and DACA Students and Employees