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Campus Life

Home Campus Life

A Place to Learn, Play, and Work

At the Los Rios colleges, you'll do more than earn a certificate or degree. We want all of our students to feel at home in our vibrant community by making connections with other members of our diverse student body! Join a club, get an on-campus job, play an intercollegiate sport, or participate in the visual and performing arts.

Clubs and Student Leadership

Our student leaders contribute to the culture and vitality of our campus communities and beyond. Become a student representative or join a social or academic club.

Clubs and Student Leadership



The four Los Rios colleges have men's and women's teams in 13 competitive sports. Learn how to become a student athlete or cheer on the Beavers, Hawkeyes, Falcons, or Panthers!


Student Jobs

Student Jobs

Students who work on campus get job experience, develop transferable skills, and make money.

Student Jobs

A person's hand circling a date on a calendar

Calendar and Events

Learn about upcoming events and important dates and deadlines at the Los Rios colleges.

Calendar and Events

Health and Safety

Health and Safety

The health and safety of our students and employees is extremely important to us. Learn more about our police services, smoke-free campuses, WEAVE Confidential Advocate program, and more.

Health and Safety

A person sitting on a bench and reading a newspaper


Stay up-to-date with what's going on at the Los Rios colleges and in the greater Sacramento region.
