You may file a report of sexual assault with police (either with Los Rios Police Department or local law enforcement) or your college Title IX officer.
When you report sexual assault, you will be informed of your right to file criminal charges and given information about support services.
If you were assaulted while violating a college policy or a criminal statute (such as drinking alcohol on campus), then please do not let it stop you from reporting the assault. Unless a violation is extreme, we will not discipline you.
Report to Police
On-Campus Incidents
Report incidents that occurred on or near one of our campuses or centers to Los Rios Police Department (LRPD) at (916) 558-2221.
Off-Campus Incidents
Report incidents that occurred off campus to the appropriate local law enforcement agency:
- El Dorado County Sheriff's Department: (530) 626-4911 or (530) 621-5655 (non-emergency)
- Elk Grove Police Department: (916) 478-8000
- Folsom Police Department: (916) 355-7230 or (916) 355-7231 (non-emergency)
- Rancho Cordova Police Department: (916) 362-5111 or (916) 362-5115 (non-emergency)
- Sacramento County Sheriff's Department: (916) 903-7480
- Sacramento Police Department: (916) 732-0100 or (916) 264-5471 (non-emergency)
- UC Davis Campus Police: (530) 754-2677
- West Sacramento Police Department: (916) 617-4900
Upon receiving a report of sexual assault, LRPD will:
- Provide for the immediate safety needs of the reporting party
- Discuss confidentiality
- Depending on the complaint (and considering any request for confidentiality), report the matter to local law enforcement
- Provide access to medical care
- Provide referrals to mental health providers
- Provide information about protective orders and stay away orders
- Notify the college Student Discipline Officer (if necessary)
- Investigate the incident
Report to Title IX Officer
The district office and each college has a Title IX Officer who coordinates and administers non-discrimination and harassment policies based on sex. The Title IX Officer also works with the Equity Officer, whose job is to investigate discrimination complaints.
College | Name | Phone | |
ARC | Nicole Porter | (916) 484-8462 | |
CRC | Tadael Emiru | (916) 691-7913 | |
DO | Alex Casareno | (916) 568-3063 | |
FLC | Alex Casareno | (916) 568-3063 | |
SCC | Andre Coleman | (916) 558-2376 | |
Upon receiving a report of sexual assault, the Los Rios Community College District will:
- Assist the reporting party in contacting the LRPD or local law enforcement if the reporting party requests it
- Discuss the pros and cons of confidentiality with the reporting party
- Assess the need to implement protective measures, such as changes in class schedule or “No Contact” directive between the parties
- Provide a copy of the Discrimination and Harassment Complaint Procedures to the reporting party and inform them of the time frames for inquiry, investigation, and resolution
- Fairly investigate what happened
- Halt any sexual harassment or sexual assault and remedy the effects of that misconduct
Note: When a reporting party does not consent to the disclosure of his or her name or other identifiable information to the responding party, the college’s ability to respond to the complaint may be limited.
Additional Resources
Reporting Resources
Learn how to report sexual assault and get support.
Education Resources
Learn how to prevent sexual assault.
Want to Stay Anonymous?
All district and college employees who learn of incidents of sexual assault are required to notify a Title IX Officer. If you prefer to stay anonymous, then consider talking to the WEAVE confidential advocate.